Monday, June 30, 2008

Summer Breeze, Makes Me Feel Fine

We have enjoyed the summer evenings. This was our last get together before the Martins left us. :( It is nice to get out and let the kids ride bikes and the grownups chat with the each other. The kids all ended up on Serena's couch to watch a movie. Didn't know we could fit that many children on one piece of furniture!!! Later, we had cake to celebrate the Martin's new adventure. Caroline could not wait to eat the cake!! She hovered over it until FINALLY we were ready to cut it.
These lazy summer evenings are one thing I am going to miss once we go on to graduate school.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Breaking Up is Hard to Do

Sorry this text is so far below the pic. I am a ding dong when it comes to using scanners. Anyway, this is the Silver Cliffs gang. We have been living in the same apartment complex for quite a while now and we have become good friends. We took this picture after the Evans left. We wanted them to be in it, so I added them. :) We miss them and hope they will love their new home. It just makes me a little sad that everyone is leaving. Candace and Jonathan have great things to say about Sierra Vista, so maybe we'll all congregate there after graduate school!!! To all my great neighbors, the Evans, the Martins, the Tedfords, the other Whites:

"Saying goodbye, why is it sad? Makes us remember the good times we had. Much more to say, foolish to try, it's time for saying goodbye." -Kermit the Frog

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Hooray for Summer!!

We love summer!!! School has only been out for two weeks, but we are having a blast, and spending a lot of time together. The kids have had fun swimming, and playing at Grandmother's house. Dad and the kids all had to have new goggles. They love wearing them in and out of the pool. With gas prices like they are, we will be content to spend the summer in our own backyard. (That's a figure of speech, we really don't even have a backyard.)